Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturdays and the Adult Male

I am making a cardinal sin by starting ANYTHING before my first cup of coffee, so please forgive me if I seem a bit less coherent this morning. You have been warned.

OK, so it is Saturday morning, the kids are up (and happy...always good), and I am writing. Now, what I SHOULD be writing is the bible for my Keys novel. Yes, I am quite well aware that you do not know what that is, but bare with me...OK? Thanks.

So as I was saying, it's morning...wait. Coffee is done, be right back. Ok, sorry for that. Oh yeah...that IS better.

Now back to our story.

Saturdays.........As a kid, they were SATURDAY! The day when there was no school, no homework (or at least not yet for us procrastinators), almost no responsibilities, and the day were you were free. As a young adult, this mostly held true. Then adulthood had to sneak up on me. Now don't get me wrong, being grown up and a dad is fabulous. But there is still a part of me that is the kid who is longing to run free on Saturdays.

Which is where the dilemma arises. Now Saturdays are for family and the work that didn't get done during the week. That sense of freedom is gone, replaced with obligations and responsibilities. In order to HAVE fun, there needs to be nothing to be done, wife and kids occupied on their own, and TIME.

Did I mention that the planets need to be aligned in order for that to happen?

So alas, here I am WITH free time and what do I do? Write in my blog..which brings me back to the Keys novel. That is what I really should be doing. As an aspiring writer, I have this great idea (don't we all) for a Young Adult's just that I can't get it out of the ether. It's there...ready to be written, but I can't find the time to write. Args...

Anyways....the natives are restless, my cup runeth empty, and frankly so is my tummy. I foresee pancakes on the horizon.

Until next time.

PS: I think I am finally due some free time in 2438.

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